Imagine the sound of gently falling snow. How to name it? The wind, the chimes, the crackle of branches swaying…yes, those sounds present too, though dancing atop the velvet cushion of a soft, sweet peace. Snow fell all throughout the shortest day into night this year. Solstice snow. And that sweet peace. Among the unnameable yet still knowable. Companion to the light that arrives with true joy. And let us not forget their sister the dark of which there would be none of this without. The shadow that brings the Light Workers, the Joy Bringers, the Peace Makers forth.
Shadow reigns heavy throughout the world. Both upon and within far too many hearts. Its pull captures sometimes unknowingly, yet often the allure dresses up as a sordid welcome to those who know exactly what they are doing as they choose it. However it lands, it stands as teacher and guide if we open to its mysterious methods.
This year I’ve grown more curious than ever around that nearly imperceptible journey from darkness to light. From the jack hammer manned by those who claim POWER OVER, to that undeniable certainty of POWER WITH.
I remember the essential nutrients found through community. Be it community with one other, or community with many. There we hold opportunity to mirror humanity for humanity and gather healing insights to ripple forth.
I open to the depth of suffering as teacher, gather what is needed there, and then claim the wisdom brought by that mighty other educator—JOY—when it comes, and ohhhh how it comes! Affirming that I am in a place other than the pit of the well. No longer held prisoner by the weight of force sent to starve out and extinguish.
However I arrived, there’s a clarion call sounding out. The call, an ancient one, though its insistence rings in resounding fashion: “There’s something new here. Don’t miss this!”
I don’t subscribe to binaries, yet there appears one in the form of a question. Are you here to bring light or to shut it down? Here to open as a seed and rise through the weight of mud toward the light of day, the glisten of the stars, or are you lured to shovel more dirt upon dirt upon dirt to obscure that path towards light? Here to serve the greater good or trample the collective effort of those who do?
The basis of this question viewed through that binary lens offers two distinct visions. And we are being called to choose.
I hear and heed the call for Light Workers to Unite! We are stronger together than on islands apart, and are finding each other through the shadows. If a new Golden Age rests as destiny, it requires more personal healing, more bridge crossing, more community fostering than we can achieve as solo journeyers. Let us gather sustenance from the dirt shoveled upon us. A Collective practicing POWER WITH through lifting one another up, SHINES as greater resistance to the push from those driven by the delusional and historically destructive perversion of POWER OVER.
I love to zoom out and gaze upon earth from my mind’s eye. From there, the vast ecosystem of nature grows clear. Away from human-made disruption and enveloped in that unnamable yet knowable velvety soft Peace, akin to that which snow brings, we are offered the chance as souls, embodied in human form, to recognize that we are simply a part of it all.
Big Blessings to you and your beloved ones. Let’s gather again, down the way, upon The Golden Boat.
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